The Balwyn Wildlife Park - a Pictorial Heritage - 1939 to 1954

Greythorn Park
Historical Background
Greythorn Park
Events to Remember

Information Board (author Mar 2016)

Landcaped area (author Mar 2016)


Main entrance (author Mar 2016)


The land where Greythorn Park currently is situated was owned by the Maughan family from 1838, when the area was thinly settled and largely bushland. When electric trams first began reaching the area, most notably the tram to Burke Road Kew in 1938 (present day route 48), it encouraged further subdivision of the area. By this time, the area was known as 'Whitethorn', which was later changed to 'Greythorn' to avoid confusion with Whitehorse Road.
In 1938, with the tram now extended to Balwyn Road, the North Balwyn Wildlife Sanctuary was opened on the present-day side of the park. Operated by the Maughan family, the facility contained Australian native animals, and played host to many American serviceman who were stationed in Melbourne during the Second World War in the 1940s. The sanctuary closed in 1954, but not before most of the land was bequeathed to the City of Camberwell for a recreational park in 1951. The remainder of the land was subdivided into 62 blocks, and the legacy of the sanctuary survives through street names such as 'Wildlife Parade'.
The tennis courts at the Greythorn Tennis Club opened in 1968 and the scout hall was constructed in 1976.
The park is located on top of a large hill, with an elevation of 91.2m above sea level. The park consists of two main open spaces. The western oval is used by various sporting clubs over summer and winter, with the eastern oval being allocated for passive recreation. A sports pavilion is situation between the two spaces, with a scout hall and tennis club pavilion also situated nearby. A small artificial creek is located near the centre of the park, next to a children's playground.

Steet signage (author pic Mar 2016)

Street signage (author, Mat 2016)

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Aerial view at time of subdivision (SLV)

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