1931 - The Silvan Inlet Aqueduct
The Silvan Reservoir was commissioned in 1931, and is a holding dam.
When the Silvan Reservoir was opened, it received its water from the O'Shannassy Aqueduct,
via a new diversionary aqueduct known as the Silvan Diversion Inlet Channel.
This was some 8 km of pipe
and open channel, starting at Wandin North, then winding its way through the hills and valleys to Silvan.
When the O'Shannassy Aqueduct was abandoned in 1996, the Silvan Inlet Aqueduct Section was
retained, as a secondary parallel aqueduct into the Silvan Reservoir.
The primary inlet is now via the Yarra Valley Conduit (built 1975) and the Yarra Silvan Conduit
(built 1958).
This Inlet Aqueduct is still in use today, and the open channel sections may be seen at bridge
crossings at Quayles Rd and Lewis Rd. It is fed from the Corranderk Aqueduct,
in Launching Place. It transfers up to 8 ML/day of water into Silvan.
It is managed by Melbourne Water, and the original management track runs alongside the
open channel sections. Public pedestrian or vehicle access to this track is not permitted, but entry gates at the corner
of Channel Rd and Quayle Rd, and at Lewis Rd, allow walkers to enter the reserve, through dilapidated fences!