1891 - Proposal for Surrey Hills

1860s - Sewerage
1891 - Proposal for Surrey Hills
1892 - Surrey Hlls Reservoir no. 1
1914 - The O'Shannassy System
1924 - Mitcham Reservoir and Tower
1926 - Mitcham - pipeline construction
1929 - Surrey Hills Water Tower
1929 - Surrey Hills Reservoir no. 2
1935 New Main at Ringwood
1938 Improving water supply
Timeline of Important Events
About the Author
Appendix 1 - Melbourne Water Scheme 1885
Appendix 2 - O'Shannassy Scheme 1920

Standpipe, Balwynj Rd, c1916


In the era up to 1890 there was no permanent water supply to the Nunawading Shire, which included the present day Whitehorse council district.
In the Boroondara Parish, water mains had been laid on only as far as Union Rd, Surrey Hills, in 1889.
In 1895, a standpipe was built at the Whitehorse Hotel site in Whiitehorse Rd, using water from the Surrey Hills Reservoir to supply Box Hill.
In the years 1902-1905, water reticulation in the Surrey Hills area continued - Mont Albert Station had water connected, but there were no taps.


Provision has now been mado for affording the residents of Surrey Hills a full supply of water throughout tho summer season, the laying of the 32-inch main from the Yah Yean reservoir having been completed.

The work had commenced two years ago, but owing to the delay caused by the stoppage of the works at which the pipes were being manufactured, the completion of the service has been ddlayed considerably. Tho main, which is 21 miles long, posses through Greensborough and Heidelberg, then crosses the Yarra, and passes through the parishes of Bulleen and Boroondara, and empties into a resorvoir in course of erection at Surrey Hills. It will carry 9,000,000 gallons overy 24 hours, which is more than sufficient to supply the wants of tho district, Sub-pipes have been laid back to Kew, Hawthorn and Malvern for the purpose of supplying tho high levels of those places.

When tho work was initiated by tho Yan Yean Water Supply department it was intended to carry tho supply of water on to Box Hill, Blackburn and Doncaster, and other districts within tho reticulation area, hut as the boundaries of the Metropolitan Board of Works do not include the places mentioned they cannot partlcipate in tho benefits conferred by the extension.

(The Age,  December 12, 1891)

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