ABOVE Aerial photo of parts of Auburn and Camberwell, from Weekly Times, Feb 13, 1926. Fritz
Holzer Brickworks visible in centre.
The author acknowledges the assistance provided by the following organizations and entities for
their support of this Project.
- Boroondara City Council
- State Library of Victoria
- National
Library of Australia
- Australian Places website
- Trove Digitized Media
- Museums Victoria
- Google Maps
- Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Murphy Brothers Grainstore (Petbarn)
- Hawthorn Historical Society
- Mokum Fabrics Pty Ltd (Auburn
- Result Based Training Hawthorn
- The Classroom (Burwood Rd)
- Table Talk (Burwood Rd)
- Coastal Engineering Solutions (Burwood Rd)
ABOVE: Fading signage showing "Cash Grocers"at 604 Burwood Rd, a legacy
of Ratcliffe's Grocer Shop of the 1940s/1950s.
ABOVE: 2019 view of Bakery/Chimneys as seen from Burwood Rd/Montrose St
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