Looking Back - 1939 to 2011 - the Autobiography of Robert V. J. Padula, OAM

1963 - Trade Unions, Staff Associations, Industrial Relations

1941 - Bikes and Cars
1943 - Hiking - Hills and Coasts
1944 - Growing up in the War Years - Part 1
1944 - Growing up in the War Years - Part 2
1944 - Growing up in the War Years - Part 3
1945 - Auburn schooldays - Part One
1945 - Auburn Schooldays - Part Two
1945 - Auburn Schooldays - Part Three
1945 - Upwey and the Puffing Billy
1945 - Gramaphones and Record Players
1946 - Flinders St Station
1946 - Astronomy
1946 - Beach and Swimming Adventures
1946 - Going to the Pictures
1947 - Adventures at the Altona Bungalow
1947 -The Listener-In Magazine
1947 - Balwyn WIldlife Sanctuary
1948 - Fishermen's Bend Aerodrome
1948 - Radio Australia QSL cards
1948 - Excursions
1949 - Australian Rules Football
1949 - Radio Monitoring at Auburn
1950 -Trains and Ships
1950 - Radios for Communications
1950 - Radio Listening Clubs in Australia
1950 - World Radio TV Handbook
1950 - Shortwave Radio Propagation Research
1950 - Medium Wave Radio Propagation Research
1950 - Radio and Hobbies Magazines
1950 - Discovering shortwave radio at Auburn
1951 - Photography
1951 - Competitions on local radio stations
1952 - Camp Buxton - YMCA Shoreham
1952 Tennis and Ten Pin Bowling
1953 - Stamp Collectiong
1953 Camberwell High School
1954 - Royal Visit to Melbourne
1954 - Shortwave Radio reception at Auburn
1956 - Melbourne's Olympic Games
1956 - Trainee Telecommunications' Technician
1957 - Trainee Technician - field work
1957 - National Service Registration
1958 - Laverton Air Show
1958 - MOOMBA Parade
1958 - Trainee Technician - field work
1959 - The move to Mont Albert
1960 - Working at Deepdene Telephone Exchange
1963 - Trade Unions, Staff Associations, Industrial Relations
1964 - Senior Technician work in the Melbourne CBD
1964 - Project support for Radio Australia
1964 - Amateur Radio
1964 - Media Writing
1964 -Travels
1964 - Engineering Support for International Broadcasters
1965 - Professional Employment with PMG/Telstra
1967 - Professional Qualifications - Institution of Engineers Australia
1967 - Australian Radio DX Club Photo Gallery (to 1979)
1972 - Wireless Institute of Australia
1972 - Natural disasters in Melbourne
1980 - Australian Radio DX Club Gallery (to 1995)
1981 - Award of the Medal of the Order of Australia
1995 - Padula Books
SPECIAL CHAPTER - Oldtime Australian Radio Drama from the 1930s
SPECIAL CHAPTER - Radio Monitoring Clubs in Australia - 1920 to 1949
SPECIAL CHAPTER - Melbourne Picture Theatres - History - 1906 to 1970

Remember when? !

I was involved with the Trade Union movement in 1960 to1963, and from 1965 to 2000 with the Professional Officers's Association (which became the Professional Division of the Community and Public Sector Union).
 I had been a Shop Steward at the Deepdene Telephone Exchange between 1960 and 1963, supporting the  Postal and Telecommunicatins Technicians'  Association (PTTA).
This exposed me to the Trade Union movement, and my duties included the collection and banking of members' subscriptions, representation on any employment concerns to local management, convening and chairing of local meetings of members, and distribution of Union newsletters and publications to members.
In 1965, following appointment as a Professional Engineer I had joined the Professional Officers' Association and in 1970 I assumed responsibilities on  Promotions' Appeal Committees, which later became Promotions' Appeal Boards.
My duties, which were carried out in work time with the agreement of senior management, through the "Leave for Trade Union Business" provisions, were to sit on these panels as the Staff Association Member, which were convened to consider the claims of Professional Engineers who had appealed (or had been subject to appeal) against provisional promotions, or temporary performance in higher classifications.
Later, these duties were expanded to include particiption on special Tribunals, as a Staff Associattion Member,  which were convened for determination of  disciplinary issues, redundancies, transfers, or dismissals.
I continued to work on these Special Boards for some years after I had left Telstra, until the year 2001.
In 1996 I was elected to the position of Honorary Secretary, Engineers' Group Victoria, within the CPSU's Professional Division, a position which I held until I left Telstra in 1997.
This required me to convene meetings of local members, prepare Minutes, distribute Minutes and Reports to members and invite new members to the Group.

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If you would like to contact me about my Autobiography, you can do this at