1923 - School Sports presentation to Mont Albert school - Basketball |
1902-1911 Surrey Hills State School |

2013 - Surrey Hills State School |
Background In the 1860s-1870s,
children from the scattered farms in the Surrey Hills district walked to school in Box Hill, Camberwell, Boroondara, and Burwood. These schools included: St. Bridget's -
on cnr of Riversdale and Warragul Rds - 1857 to 1902 Surrey
Hills State School no. 2778 - opened 1886 from the Recreation Hall in Albert Crescent. A new school was opened
in 1890 at Beatrice Avenue, where it survives to this day. St. Joseph's
Home and Residential School - Kent Rd - 1890 to 1916 Surrey
College - Vincent St - 209 Union Rd, later Vincent St - 1892 to 1908 Holy Redeemer - Mont Albert Rd - 1902 Milverton
College - 192 and 219 Union Rd - 1906 to 1908

2013 - Mont Albert Central School |
Mont Albert State School This was officially
opened on April 23 1917, and is located north of Whitehorse Rd, in Barloa Rd.
The school became Mont Albert Central
School in 1918, taking in Forms 1 and 2.
The school remained a Central School until 1964, when the secondary years
formed the basis of a new High School, the Box Hill North High School, later to be named Koonung Secondary College. It then
became Mont Albert Primary School.
Mont Albert was the first School in Victoria to have the interior purely constructed
of Victoria hardwood, from floor to ceiling. The Honour Board was erected in 1919.
The original building, constructed
of solid red brick, consisted of seven rooms. In May 1924 four rooms, in the same type of construction were added.
the school opened in 1917 there were 147 students in Prep to Grade 6. Later that year, a further 72 children were admitted,
making a total enrolment in the first year of 219.
The land facing Kenmare Street was purchased in 1919, adding another
2 acres to the 5.5 acres which the school occupied in 1917.
The first Principal was Charles Hyland, who was assisted
by three other teachers. Charles Hyland left in April 1919 and was briefly relieved by W. Judd.
Alfred Harley became
the School Principal in January 1920, remaining until July 1936.
The first official meeting of the School Council in
May 1917 discussed the need for asphalting of playing areas, providing a letter box and electric lights for the lobby, double
room, office and sewing room.
Professor Manning Clark, Australia's foremost historian, was a student at the School
from 1926.
The Art/Craft room was built in 1968 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the School.
In 1991 the Performing Arts Centre was officially opened. A Computer Centre opened in 1997.
During 2001
and 2002 a major building upgrade was completed. The original building was reconfigured internally and totally refurbished.
A wonderful Hall and Canteen were constructed along with a new library and six modern classrooms to accommodate the present
population of approximately 590 students.
In 2010, the Federal Government's Building Education Revolution (BER) program commenced at Mont Albert
Primary School and in 2011 students movedinto six classrooms and two flexible learning areas.
The parent
community has been extremely active and generous raising funds to ensure the comfort of all students by donating financially towards
the airconditioning of the entire space, which the Government did not provide.

1917 - Mont Albert Central School |

Location map |

1937 - school sports at Ormiston |
Ormiston House Ormiston is the oldest girls' primary school on the Australian mainland. The school's junior school,
Ormiston House, was established in 1848. It was located at various sites until it moved to St. John’s Avenue, Mont Albert, in 1936. It became the junior school of Camberwell Girls Grammar in 1964. The Mont Albert site was sold in
the1990s and the school relocated.

2013 - Koonung Secondary College |
Koonung Secondary College Located
in Elgar Rd, Mont Albert North, Koonung Secondary College is a
co-educational Year 7 to 12 college. Established in 1964, it has a proud
history of delivering a challenging and comprehensive curriculum within
a secure and disciplined environment. Enrolments (2013) were 870.