Note: The stories in this
Chapter are extracts of articles in the "Jamboree Daily".
The author has exercised editorial discretion in modification of some
of the original content.
(Above) "Skillorama" Activities in the Challenge Valley!
(From the Pathe Movie)

THE TOWER "On top of the hill in Sub-Camp
1, (off Greystanes Crescent), two Senior districts have chosen the name of First-Ham-Āragon-The-Hill for their troops.
This involves
the Hampton and Tarago Districts, and the site includes an unsual
feature - a fifty foot tower which will be a money spinner. How ? A small
fee will be charged to those courageous enough and keen enough to climb
to the top and view the camp".
AND LARGE "Overheard pint-sized Scout demanding the loan of a stamp 'to post a
letter to my bird.' Reckon it must be a budgie. Published in the "Sun"
Thursday was a pic of Scout 15 years old and 4 ft 5 in tall. 4th Brighton
reckon they can top this - one of their contingent is 6 ft 5 in. Others please note!" CATERING DILEMNA "Sub-camp catering had a problem -
four small scouts asked for special lettuce and explained that had caught their
first rabbit. Selected best leaves, and last heard rabbit was doing
well. This only goes to show what high regard New South Welshmen have
for live stock". JUNIOR BRANCH ACTION "More
than 7000 of our Junior Branch are expected to attend the Jamboree Camp today, Jan 2. They
will arrive in up to 200 buses and be unloaded at the Bus Terminus, to
the south of Baden Powell Drive. Many of them will have been travelling
all night and some, perhaps from as far away-as Swan Hill, will have
been billetted with Metropolitan Packs overnight. There has been a
general information office established near the shopping .centre, with
the means of locating Scouts in the camp, and giving detailed
information on Scouting. There has. also, throughout the camp, been a
lost property office. But for today, the
organisers have arranged for a LOST CUB OFFICE as well as a special Cub Information Centre, situated in a
marquee near the Shopping Centre.
Here there will also be a fixed display of Cub activities and
handicrafts. Further, visitors who wish to discover a Cub Pack which can
take little Willie into its fold, may.inquire at the Cub Information
Centre. At 2.30 p.m. some 2500 Cubs, some from the country and some from
the metropolitan area, will unfold their story. From five entrances
about the arena, country Cubs will enter,
bearing placards to show where they have come from and how far they have
travelled - they will file round and form the outline of the State of
Victoria host State for this Jamboree. Huge Circle On the signal
"Pack, Pack, Pack !" the Cubs, shouting "Paaack !" will form themselves
into a huge circle. The Headquarters Commissioner for Wolf Cubs (Mr. J.
H. Campbell) will then move into the centre of the circle, give a signal
and all Cubs will adopt a' crouching position. "Akela — we'll do our
best !" they shout in union and on the last word, as one man, leap to
their feet with the Cub Salute. "Dyb, Dyb, Dyb, Dyb," shouts a Cub,
which means "Do Your Best." "We'll Dob, Dob, Dob, Dob !" respond the
Cubs, saying, in effect, "We'll Do Our Best." They will then jog off the
arena, Baden-Powell' used to say that Cubs never march, they always
trot, and this is what they will do as they leave the ground. Their
place will be taken in turn by Cubs from Metropolitan areas who will
then demonstrate sections of the stories of the "Jungle Books" of
Rudyard Kipling, upon which Cubbing is based. As one great family —" AUCTION "Did you know that a huge Auction will be held on Saturday,
January 23,
of assorted equipment being used in connection with the Jamboree?
Co-agents E. M. Purdy Pty. Ltd. and Graham Fowles Pty. Ltd. announce
that included in the auction will be buildings for removal, surplus
food, a Ford F.100 Utility, firewood, tent poles, galvanised piping and
hessian Other items are camp tools, crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils,
sporting equipment, bunting, electric irons, chain saws, hardwood
benches and many more. All material will be on view on the day before
the sale, and on the morning of the sale. Catalogues of imposing
proportions will be available".
THE CAMP CLOT "The Camp clot at last managed to swop his scarf in the dark for a Western Australian
scarf, which is a very difficult one to get. He crept back to camp and found the Western Australian was still in it!".

(Above) Skillorama action (from the Pathe movie)