This was constructed in the 1915-1920 era. It consisted of an open-channel aqueduct and underground
pipe, fed from a dam in the north-west of the Churchill National Park and descended
about 3 km to the east.
The open section
ended at the junction of Bayview Track and Stonemason's Track, where it entered a
syphon, in a pipe. The pipe crossed what is now Churchill Park Drive, and continued south as an open channel
to two retarding dams in what is now the Churchill Park Golf Club. Surviving sections of the pipe are
visible next to Syphon Track.
The former management roadway is now a walking track, known as Channel Track, and can be followed from
the old damsite all the way to the start of the syphon.
The old dam still exists, and can be reached
by following Army Rd to Channel Track, then along a short bushland track. Rainwater and run-off still collects in the
dam, and its overflow passes through the original stone/brick structure into the aqueduct.
is no longer any actual flow along the aqueduct, as it is blocked by weeds, shrubs, vegetation and trees which have
taken over! Its main use is as a watering hole for kangaroos!
Channel Track can be easily reached
and inspected adjacent to the Park picnic ground, by following Shelter Track or Kangaroo Track.
pipe actually continues underground in the Golf Club grounds; It then joins
to another disused pipe, which crosses Power Rd, then on to Dandenong.
It was decommissioned
In 1936 when the Lysterfield Reservoir was opened, and a new pipeline to Dandenong was introduced.